Learning is Good; Education be Bad

Learning is Good; Education be Bad

Our company offers a variety of products and services, and I felt we needed a parent brand which would care for them and we and clients could relate to. We chose ME Learning as we foster learning, and are not involved in education. I’ve written widely on this. I’ve...
Stats Entertainment

Stats Entertainment

Moran actually outperforms Elon Musk.* Not only does the frivolity restart with the borders reopening, but I’m finally updating and re-posting articles from my archives. Back in May, 2022, Elon Musk suggested on Twitter that if Japan didn’t start doing a...
Have Bag (and Net) Will Travel

Have Bag (and Net) Will Travel

  On October 5th, 1992, 30 years ago today, I left England. I had a one-way ticket to Australia via Bangkok, and, save a few months dossing at me mam’s on the dole, I’ve never returned there to live and work. When I left, I was 25, a pint of beer cost £1.49...
Jobs in Japan Podcast

Jobs in Japan Podcast

I hope everybody enjoyed a good Golden Week break. I recently spoke to Charlie Moritz from the Jobs in Japan podcast. We did three podcasts that you can watch and listen to at the links below. Be great to hear any questions or comments. Recently Elon Musk caused a bit...